Jun 5, 2024
Hampton Bays Beautification held the 38th Annual Garden Party and Famous Auction at Oakland’s Restaurant in Hampton Bays on Saturday, June 1, 2024.
Chairpersons Rosemary O’Connor and Barbara Skelly did an amazing job organizing the event and of course we couldn’t do the annual Garden Party without the 2024 Volunteers: Co-Chairpersons Roe O’Connor and Barbara Skelly, Volunteer Leader MJ Spinella and all volunteers including: Anne Wilding, Bob Brown, David and Ellen Zimmerman, Debbie Farre, Gerri Dzwlewicz, Grace Daly, Helen Brown, Jack and Madeline O’ Keefe, Jean Waters, Judy Beach, Kathy Glaser, Ken O’Connor, Maria Filorimo, Marian Dougherty, Maryann Noonan, Maureen Walsh, Monica Freeman, Pat Barbor, Phil Spinella, Regina Carpenter, Rosemary Conway, Susan Fellingham, Terry Knoll, Valerie and John Zuccarelli and Susan von Freddi.
Special thanks to all the businesses and individuals for the fabulous gifts donated to the Famous Auction. 1 North Steak Restaurant, 7-11 Convenience Store, Advanced Auto Parts, Allegretta Electric Co., Allstate Insurance, Angel Tips, Ann Marie Barrett, Ann Cryan, Ann Fay, B J’s, Bagel Place Café, Barb Skelly, Bon Amour, Buckley’s Inn Between, Canal Café, Canoe Place Inn, Carolyn’s Good Ground Cleaners, Carolyn Taylor, Carvel, Cerratos Creations, Citizens Bank, Classic Beverage, Costco, Cowfish, Craft Boss by Jen, Dime Savings Bank, E Day Spa & Salon, East End Bait & Tackle, Edgewater, EJ Getz, Epic Nail Salon, Fandango, Fins & Forks Restaurant, Fish Tales Bar & Grill, Fowler’s Garden Center, Gemelli Gelato, Gino Magagnoli, Goldberg Bagels, Good Ground Antiques, Grace Daly, Hampton Bays Bagels, Hampton Bays Wine & Spirits, Hampton Car Wash Hampton, Exquisite Nails, Hampton Gyro & Grill Restaurant, Hampton Maid Resort, Hampton Nursery & Landscape, HB Community Supermarket & Deli, HB Historical Society, HB Music Shop, HB Pet Supply, Home Depot Riverhead, James Maguire Antiques, Jody Cukier, John J. Leonard Law Office, King Kullen, KL Salon & Spa, Kreig’s Bakery, L.A. Beauty Salon, Lighthouse Seafood, Atlantis -LI Aquarium, Madeline O’Keefe Madison Printing, Marcy McLaughlin, Marian Dougherty, Marisela Beauty Salon, Melrose Deli, MJ & Phil Spinella, Mother Earth Design, Mulvey Plumbing, N C Beauty Salon, New Moon Café, Nurel’s Farm Market, Oakland’s Restaurant, Out of the Blue Seafood, Panera Bread, Peconic Fence Co., Planet Fitness, Queenie Nail, Revolve Salon, Riverhead Building Supply, Robert Gassman, Roe & Ken O’Connor, Roses ’N Rice, Salon East, Shinnecock Ace Hardware, Skidmores Sports & Styles, Slo-Jacks, Sorella Hair Design & Spa, Southampton Inn/Claude’s Restaurant, Starbucks, Stop & Shop, Stott Architecture, Sundays By The Bay, Susan Von Freddi, Swanotta Screen Printing, Taproot Landscape Inc., Terry Knoll, The Station Bar & Grill, Tony’s Asian Fusion, Victoria’s Flowers & Balloons, Villa Paul, Harriet Young, We’ll Floor You, Wild by Nature and The Wine Room/Cottage.
A very special thanks to Fandango, and the Hampton Bays Library for selling tickets. Thanks to Oakland’s for great food, good drinks and a great view.
Thank you to all that attended. A great time was had by all.
Susan von Freddi, President
Jan 31, 2024
The annual HBBA Garden Party and Famous Auction will be on Saturday June 1, 2024 at Oakland’s Restaurant on Dune Road in Hampton Bays.
TICKET prices $60.00 per person in advance only. Tickets are limited and will not be available at the door. Cash Bar.
Auction tickets & 50/50 tickets can be purchased at the event
ROE O’CONNOR AT (917) 922-4813
BARBARA SKELLY AT 917-405-9405
Thank you for your continued interest and support.
Jan 6, 2024
The Hampton Bays Beautification Association would like to thank the following donors to the 2023 Holiday Decoration Fund. We appreciate your support: Thank you all for helping to make Hampton Bays beautiful during the holidays.
Thank you all:
Bettina Equities, Alfred Caiola, Hampton Bays Chamber of Commerce, Kenilworth Equities Ltd, Kenneth Adams, Dean & Anna Backer, Peconic Fence Co., Strong Oil Co. Hampton Sales & Rental, R. Ianelli, Bettina Benson, Jorge Bueno, Carolyn Caccavallo, Brian & Kathy Dunn, Carol Francolini,Donald & Ethel Getz, Peter & Mary Goetz, Eileen Grogan & John Kunz, Leonard Kahn, Marie & Brian Kennedy, Louis Kolarik, Melrose Deli, Laura & Bob O’Gorman, Ocean View Terrace Inn, Pooltastic Pool Works, Robert Ross, Mary Jane Sedor, Marie Jo Spinella, Barton & Helen Stacy, Samir & Elizabeth Ahmed, Susan & Gary Allen, Fran Bauerfeind, Ridgely, Beale, A. Branca, Helen & Robert Browne, Ann Carroll, Bernard Connolly, Grace & Mike Daly, Barbara Delalla, Teresa Drew, David French, Jacqui Garland, Good Ground Antiques, Carolyn & David Holstein, Paul Horvath, Jones,Little & Co., Landis Refining Co. Gail Murcott, Reynold & Lyndia Nimons Jr. Rosemarie & Kenneth O’Connor, Jack & Madeline O’Keefe, Oaklands Restaurant, Alexandra Sullivan, Jean & Bernard Waters, Ellen & David Zimmeerman, John & Valerie Zuccarelli, Marianne Murphy, Ann Shafranek, Michael Arcidiacono, Dennis & Patricia Banks, Ann & John Barrett. James Begley, Charles & Julie Bernroth, Patricia Bower, Michael & Janice Brausch, Tony & Maria Filorimo, Monica Freeman, Kathy Glaser, James Green, Joe & Barbara Skelly, Maureen Sutton, Treetola Arbor Care, Doug & Lori Zollo
Dec 6, 2023
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On December 6, 2023, the Hampton Bays Beautification Association celebrated its 38th Anniversary with a Holiday Luncheon and Awards Ceremony at Oakland’s Restaurant in Hampton Bays. Special thanks to Chairpersons Grace Daly and Madeline O’Keefe.
Congratulations to Donald D. Getz who received the HBBA 2023 “Angel of the Year” Award for his many years of volunteering.
Annually HBBA presents an award to a local Business that has improved its property. The Hampton Bays Beautification Association is pleased to announce that the Bolla Market-Mobile Station at 239 W. Montauk Highway Hampton Bays has been awarded the Community Beautification Award for 2023.
HBBA Community Appreciation Awards were presented to Jon Erwin of Southampton Town Parks and Recreation, Joe Smeraldi of Peconic Bay Fence and Police Officer Gasper Montalbano for their service and contributions to HBBA. Patricia Francy, President of the Muriel Siebert Foundation was thanked for a generous donation funding the new Chamber Garden on Montauk Highway.
Special thanks to Chairman Jack O’Keefe, Merry Warner, Shinnecock Hardware and V. Allegretta Electric team for their efforts in holiday decorating. Thanks to all the friends of HBBA and businesses for supporting our holiday fund.
Last, but certainly not least, a special note of gratitude to the HBBA Officers; Madeline O’Keefe, Valerie Zuccarelli and Ellen Zimmerman and Directors; Roe O’ Connor, Grace Daly, Monica Freeman, Fran Bauerfeind, Jean Waters and Kathy Glaser
And for all those dedicated HBBA volunteers who have assisted throughout the year, I thank you for your commitment, time, dedication and talents. It has been a joy working with you. Wishing everyone a joyful holiday season.
HBBA is on winter recess January through March. Have a wonderful winter and we will see you next spring on April 1, 2024.
Susan von Freddi Gassman, HBBA President
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